Saturday, January 3, 2009

Guess who's NOT ready to go back to school?

Levi told me the other day that he wants to be home schooled next year. I'm pretty sure that he and I together 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year is NOT the best idea, but we've so enjoyed having him home this break! He's had a wonderful time having no schedule, staying up late, reading whenever he wants, listening to his books on cd, playing with friends,... It's been a great break, but I think this mom's thinking Monday sounds like a breather!


  1. such a cute picture of your two readers!

  2. I love that picture! I fantasize about that being part of our family life: all of us, sitting around the living room, reading our own books in quiet. I'm sure the part of your home that's not in the photo might not be so tranquil, but what you captured is just wonderful.
