Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 7 with sick kids

So I'm getting a little stir crazy--Jason has been sick since last Friday, and just when I think he's pulling through this, Sarah started coughing this morning. Aargh!!! Rob's only 1/2 done with his classes in KC, and I feel like he's been gone a month! No, really, we're doing fine--just watching way too much tv and getting nothing done around the house. My keeping the countertops clean resolution has been challenged as of late, but I'm hoping that once the kids are up and at em again, I'll be able to handle the housework! I love cuddly, sick kids, though--Jason has let me rock him soo much this past week--gotta hold on to those moments!


  1. Sickness is EVERYWHERE! So sorry, Gail. Love you guys.

  2. Gail---Just leaving my classroom and can't WAIT to go home. It has been a crazy week in our family also. Fred is at Stormont after larynx surgery and we are going for Basketball Game # 3679 tonight!!! Brock does play at Wamego on Sunday at 10-12-and 2. I'm not sure if I will be there depending on Fred.

    Big sis
