Friday, April 3, 2009

We miss you, Mai!!!

Mai was an exchange student in my house my senior year in high school and has been a very close friend since. Last summer, she and her 2 adorable kids, her husband, and her dad were able to come for a long visit and stay with us. We had a great time--stayed up way too late every night--had lots of noise every minute, but it was such an amazing opportunity for my family--especially my kids--to live with this family. My favorite meal that Mai cooked for us was her Japanese Curry with rice. SOO good! I made it tonight and was missing her like crazy! It's a simple recipe, a little too spicy for my kids' taste, but it's become a comfort food for me. Here's how I made it:

Cut up 1-2 onions, 2 large carrots, 5 potatoes and 2 chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces.

Heat 3 Tbsp oil over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, chicken, 4 cloves garlic, and 1 tsp ginger paste. (I LOVE the smell of ginger! Always reminds me of China.) Stir for 3 minutes, then add water to cover 1 inch above veggies. Add 2 bay leaves. (Is it disgusting that I'm still using the same bay leaves that I got at a shower before my wedding, 11 yrs ago?!?) Bring to boil--boil 10 minutes. Add potatoes and boil 10 minutes more. Add this curry roux (not sure how to spell that word) You can buy G*lden Curry roux cubes at W*lmart in the int'l aisle--I use 6-8 cubes--you have to stir quite a bit to dissolve the cubes.
The result is simply delicious!


  1. Brings back memories of last summer with Mai! Her food was delicious! Love-Dad&Mom H.

  2. thanks for the recipe and the tip about the golden curry cubes!

  3. I didn't know about those cubes, either. thanks for the info. And it looks so yummy. :)

  4. This looks great....I may have to try it this week! :)

