Thursday, April 30, 2009

Missing my babies

When I was tucking Jas in bed tonight, he said "Can I be your baby, Mommy?" (I was telling him earlier that I wanted him to stay my baby forever.) So I explained to my 2 1/2 yr old how babies talk ("mama"), and how they love to be rocked. He wanted me to sing him baby songs, and he wouldn't let go of me. For about 15 minutes, we cuddled and I pretended that he was still my baby. I want to freeze that moment forever--how is it possible that my babies have gotten so big so fast? I think knowing Jas is my last one makes every new thing he learns seem bittersweet. He's doing great being potty trained, which I'm thrilled about. I really don't think I'll miss changing diapers at all, but the loss of having a baby is still a little sad. Today he learned to ride his first bike, with training wheels. He is so not a little toddler anymore. I find myself staring at him so often, just amazed at how he went from baby to big kid in a flash. These kids are such a source of joy to me--I cannot imagine life without their noise and messes and excitement for life. I spent a couple hours tonight looking through old pictures, just reminiscing about when they were smaller. Many are not the best pictures, but I love them. So many great memories. Here's Robbie with Levi on the day he was born. I love this pic of Rob reading his Bible, enjoying having his new little baby in his arms. The hat head is hilarious, but I love it, none the less.
Levi at 6 months--playing at his cousin Elena's 1st birthday. This was always one of my favorites of him. His eyes are so beautiful!
I think my friend Heather took this one--she must have been babysitting and watering her grass, letting Levi play at the same time.
My friend Jeff took this years ago--it looks so artsy to me--I love how big his feet look.

Thinking he's the Hulk.

And here's Miss Sarah. She's totally a daddy's girl.

Love those pigtails and that happy face.
Here she is at an Easter egg hunt with her friend Roe. Adorable.
In Colorado for Spring Break--we've spent lots of fun weeks here.
...forgot to pack boots for her, so we got creative and used plastic sacks.

This was also taken by Jeff Moore--have always loved it.

The kids found a baby rabbit in our window well and Daddy rescued it. Notice Sarah's cheesy, excited smile. They were sooo sad it ran away, and thought of it as their "first pet".

Right after Jason was born. Amazing day.

Levi was/is so in love with him. Here he is cuddling up for a nap with him in our bed.

2 weeks old--another Jeff Moore pic.
Gotta love the laundry basket entertainment!

I'm going to bed so incredibly thankful for my 3 amazing children! Oh, but I really hope they sleep till 7--I enjoy them so much more after that magic time!


  1. What a sweet post! Thanks for the picture series! You are such a wonderful mom.

  2. Oh I miss those babies too! I loved sitting for long periods of time on the couch by the window when Levi was little and pointing at all the birds that flew by. "Bird" "Bird" "Bird"
    They are pretty awesome big kids though - I love 'em all!

  3. i feel the same way with this pregnancy -- knowing it's most likely my last. i love to feel the baby move and i'm going to miss that. cute pics!

  4. Precious kids Gail and precious memories! We love you all soooo much! Love Dad & Mom

  5. Those are great pics! I too can't believe how fast they grow, I love seeing Ella and Benjamin do new things, but I am sad at the same time, each day comes new found independence. Today, Noah was practicing his spelling words, and I thought, "When did my baby learn to spell?" Crazy.

  6. Oh Gail! I cried reading about your babies growing up. It breaks my heart to think of James being a big boy....It's funny, I was just thinking that today because I really like to rock him to sleep for his naps, even though I know it's probably a bad habit to start. But I don't even care, because he'll grow up 'in a flash', just like you said.

  7. Gail,
    What a sweet posting that was of your kids. It is hard to believe that my girls are the ages they are. Where has the time gone. They grow so fast and change daily. It is amazing the new things they learn. I, like you am blessed for the 2 girls I have.

  8. Treasuring the time when they are little- such a good reminder- thank you! I wish somehow we could event a stunt pill just to hold back time for just a minute or two.
