Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sarah's online tutorial

Sarah's so excited about what she learned in preschool today! She's practiced a million times, and really wants Jason to learn.


  1. Good job Sarah! She's growing up too fast! love-Mom H.

  2. such fun to watch our babies learn, also a bit 'sad'

  3. When Monroe wears shoes with laces I will have to play this for her, I think I see a teacher in her future, this is a great demo Sarah!

  4. I could listen to that sweet little voice teach me how to do things all day. I love that girl! Great job Sarah!

  5. That's hilarious that you remember me breaking my arm!
    I'm just praying my girl doesn't put me through quite as many trips to the ER! Thanks for the sweet words about Chad's blog, I wish you lived closer, I would love to get together sometime!
