Friday, October 16, 2009

Homemade laundry detergent

So I've always been curious about making my own laundry detergent--I go through a big bottle of that stuff in no time, and I hate to keep forking out the money for it. I was talking to a friend the other day who makes her own, and her recipe only calls for 3 ingredients, plus water. Sounded simple enough--thought I'd give it a try, and I actually think I'm going to like it. The recipe I used is posted online here--The Duggars on the TLC show use it and seem to be super thrifty, yet clean. I figure that if anyone knows how to make laundry soap, that mama probably knows better! (She's going on her 19th child, so I hear!) I used the recipe for the liquid detergent--she says it's the best deal, so I believed her! So, it took me all of maybe 5 minutes to melt the grated bar of soap in water and mix it all up. I then let it set up overnight--made a congealed, strange texture which looked a little strange, truthfully, but it smells nice and clean. I stirred it up and poured it into a used laundry soap bottle that I had, and tried it out this morning. My clothes look and smell clean enough for me, so I'm happy! Best part--I didn't do the math, but I read that this stuff costs 2-3 cents per load. I seriously think if might even be less--it made sooo much detergent! I'm going to be using this batch alone for probably a year! If you're interested in making your own, I couldn't find the Fels-Naptha bar or the Washing Soda at Walmart--had to go to Dillons to get them, but these are cheap ingredients--under 10 dollars for lots of months worth of detergent. Oh--and if you're looking for a 5 gallon bucket with a lid, I've heard Walmart has them to give away in the bakery dep't--they get their icing in the buckets and like to get rid of them after it's used up.


  1. GAIL!!!! How cool! I am really impressed and feeling inspired! I wonder how it does on cloth diapers....did you know we made the big switch? We'll save that conversation for another time!

  2. Way to go, girl! I'm impressed!

  3. Yea! You found the washing soda! Good job - I hope you enjoy washing with it...I miss using mine. It lasts forever!

  4. I am wondering if it is dye/fragrance free for those of us with sensitive skin. Do you know???

  5. That is awesome! I wish I could get those ingredients here!
    So I have also read recently about several different people who are making their own shampoo and conditioner and face cleanser. Let me know if you want the links. I love all these ways to save money!!

  6. Hi. I just wanted to share b/c i've done this too. Just wanted to let you know you can tweak it however you want. Fels Naptha happens to be petroleum based and my daughter has chem. sensitivity. I used ZOTE on 2nd batch then I used "Kiss My Face--Lavender" vegetable based bath bar and only 1/3 of the Fels Naptha (gets stains out better). I've on my 5th batch and i've changed it up a bit every time.

    TIP--for less goop....dissolve the Soda and Borax in the plain water first before you add it to the melted soap.
