Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh, the things he's learning...

So we were at a youth camp all week, playing outside a lot, and Jason's nose was pretty runny. At one time I didn't have a tissue on me, and he really needed his nose wiped. I tore off a piece of a coloring book page that I had folded up with me and said, "Jason, see? You can use paper to wipe your nose if you don't have a tissue." I think we even used a leaf from a tree once. I guess he thought that was pretty cool, because this morning while playing Candyl*nd with his brother and sister, he decided to fold one of the cards in half and wipe his nose on it! Of course that was followed by a howl from big brother, and "Gross! Why'd you do that?" My bad...


  1. I love this story! So funny! I think the best part was the end. "My bad" LOL

  2. That is so funny!!! :)Thanks for a good laugh.

  3. That is so funny!!I love this story!...
    thanks for sharing...
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