Monday, April 19, 2010


Sarah had her first dance performance last weekend, and our sweet friend Jade came to do her hair, as I had no idea what to do with it. It ended up mostly falling out, so we opted to stick a flower in and call it good! I'll try to get a video on soon of the cute performance.

She was so proud to get flowers from her Daddy!

I was going through a pile of papers today and pulled out a few cute things Sarah has written recently. Above is a list I found of what she wanted to do with her friends when they came over. Love it!

The note above is what she wrote last night at the Challenge auction. She was being pretty "notee" (naughty), so maybe she wanted to assure herself that Jesus still loved her!

Not sure if you can read this one, but it was adorable and I just had to put it on here!


  1. So sweet! I love the one about how Jesus loves you even when you are notee. :)
