Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thoughts on my dad

So my dad is a pretty cool guy. I had some fun pictures from the past
picked out, but our scanner wasn't working, so more recent ones will
have to do. My dad is an incredibly hard worker, yet he also knows
how to have a good time. He is a man of many interests--he enjoys life
to the fullest! He's forever getting interested in a new hobby (bird
watching, horseshoes, ...), learning about something (1000 days at Sea
website, watching eagles hatch on online webcams), coming up with fun
activities for the grandkids to enjoy (swings hanging from the garage
ceiling, building a fort, fishing trips), teaching the kids something new
about nature (bluebird trails, where sunflower seeds come from, how
to dress a fish). I love to hear his stories, marvel at his garden, look at
the thousands of pictures he sends us, ... Life is never boring with my
dad around! Dad, I am so grateful that you're my dad and for all the
ways that you hold our family together. I'm so glad there's a day to
celebrate you! I can't imagine life without you!

Here are a few random pictures that Dad has sent us in the past couple
years--I love to look at life through his eyes!


  1. Gail- I love it! I totally agree, your Dad is a cool, one of a kind Dad! Sure do love that guy! Mom

  2. Ahhh...I love your dad too! These pictures made me smile and remember all the fun times I had at the Hartter home. :)

  3. Wow, your dad and mom have not changed a bit! Your parents were always both great people! I thought I'd let you know, that I tagged you on my blog, you'll have to check it out!

  4. Awesome photos! I think the one of the corn is my favourite. :)
