Friday, July 23, 2010

Sea World and more San Antonio fun

We took a little vacation to San Antonio to visit some good friends and have a little fun with our kiddos. We left Thursday am and drove all day, spent Friday at Sea World, Saturday at the Alamo/Riverwalk, went to church with our friends on Sunday and headed all the way back home. Pretty crazy--let's just say we were extremely grateful for our van's DVD player and R*dbox!

Here are our little cutie patooties at the entrance to Sea World. What a cool place! It was hard for me that we didn't have time to see everything, but we had a fabulous time.

Levi of course loved the poison dart frogs--aren't they amazing?
Can't remember the name of this--very strange! Levi and I were wondering if God was laughing when He created them!

Can you tell that this is Levi's dream for how to spend a day? Wouldn't want to meet THIS guy in a dark alley! He does NOT look friendly!
This walrus was doing sit-ups! I loved this show!

It was pretty hot, so we decided to cool off before another show at the splash park. The kids were almost lethargic going in, but a little cold water sure woke them up!

Dolphin and beluga show--can't believe how high they can jump!
Here's Shamu--are they all named that? HUGE!

Jas wasn't quite tall enough for the water ride the older kids wanted to ride on, so I stayed back with him and waited on the rest of them. Isn't he the cutest thing ever? I get such a kick out of his ornery grin!

At the Alamo with Neil and Crystal
A delicious Mexican meal on the Riverwalk. The kids loved the ducks floating by--the grown ups loved the conversation and the yummy salsa! Overall a fun trip--the kids were a little crazy from so much packed into a few days, but hopefully we'll only remember the good times!


  1. Oh my goodness... San Antonio is one of my favorite vacation places!! You pictures are bringing back such great memories! =) Loved them all!! You do have some of the cutest children. =) hehe


  2. Awesome! We are in Corpus Christi right now, and we're headed to San Antonio for a couple of days after this...loved seeing your pictures!

  3. What a great trip. You are quite brave to make that drive with the three kiddos in such a short chunk of time! Way to go.

  4. I love the Riverwalk! What a fun trip and great pics!
